Responsible Gifting

Responsible Gifting

  • Registration Closed

Lotteries across the United States and Canada, including the Illinois Lottery, have developed strong Corporate Social Responsibility Programs that include Responsible Gambling initiatives and policies. Among the most important areas are policies and programs around underage gambling. Research shows that early childhood gambling exposure, especially lottery play, can increase the risk of developing gambling problems later in life. Learn how the expansion of the Gift Responsibly Campaign created by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and the International Center for Youth Gambling Problems High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University nearly 20 years ago, is taking awareness to a higher level. Learn how Lotteries, including the Illinois Lottery, meet stringent criteria to receive certification through the World Lottery Association and the NCPG/North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries(NASPL) Responsible Gambling Verification programs. 

Finally, get a premiere peek at the new and improved Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM) tool kit with logos and graphics, social media tips, and information about important PGAM events, such as Problem Gambling Screening Day.


-Participants will receive information on evidence that early childhood gambling exposure can increase risks of developing gambling problems later in life; and the Gift Responsibly Campaign response to that by Lotteries, NCPG, and McGill University.
-Participants will learn about the criteria and processes for Lotteries to receive Responsible Gambling Certification through the NASPL/NCPG RG Verification Program and the World Lottery Association – specifically steps to achieve both by the Illinois Lottery.
-Participants will take away tools and tips to advocate for Responsible Gambling through the NCPG Problem Gambling Awareness Month toolkit.

Lindsay Smith

Corporate Social Responsibility Manager

Illinois Lottery

Lindsay Smith is the Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for Camelot Illinois, the private manager of the Illinois Lottery. She is responsible for implementing and overseeing the Illinois Lottery’s responsible gaming program, including coordinating Illinois’ efforts to achieve Level 4 certification under the World Lottery Association’s Responsible Gaming Framework and Sustaining Level Responsible Gaming Verification recognition from the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries and the National Council on Problem Gambling. Lindsay has worked in the responsible gaming field for over 6 years. Prior to joining Camelot Illinois, she served as the Michigan Lottery’s Responsible Gaming Manager and led Michigan’s efforts to become the first lottery to receive the National Council on Problem Gambling’s Internet Compliance Assessment Program certification. Lindsay holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from Ferris State University and a juris doctor from Michigan State University College of Law.


Responsible Gifting
11/14/2023 at 1:00 PM (CST)  |  60 minutes
11/14/2023 at 1:00 PM (CST)  |  60 minutes Research shows that early childhood gambling exposure, especially lottery play, can increase the risk of developing gambling problems later in life. Learn how the expansion of the Gift Responsibly Campaign created by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and the International Center for Youth Gambling Problems High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University nearly 20 years ago, is taking awareness to a higher level.